23 nov ’2420:00 - 22:25Pauze 20:50Rabozaal
1e rang Prijs € 32,50 2e rang Prijs € 30,50
Ava Cherry (ex-geliefde en voormalig backing vocaliste David Bowie): “I really enjoyed him… I think he has the chance to be something great… he has some tones very much like David… his energy… he really loves singing Bowie songs and being what that is… I really like him and I think he has the chance of coming up and what I heard is really wonderful.”
Carmine Rojas (voormalig bassist David Bowie): “They're actually pretty good I like it with the horns… a good drummer too!”
Mike Garson (voormalig pianist David Bowie): “He’s good, nice feel! Loves the music.”
zang: Rias Baarda | drums: Ivo Rouschop | bas: Bart van Zandvoort | toetsen: Roel van den Nieuwenhoff | gitaar: Thomas Beekwilder | trompet: Stefan Danckaert | saxofoon: Thom Kooijmans | backing vocals: Marlene Berger en Saskia van Bokhoven